sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2009


Twenty years ago Berlin Wall falled down determinating the end of the cold war. A few months later in Chile the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet was removed and the Concertacion leaded by Patricio Aylwin took the governement.
The end of cold war entailed the defeat of communism and the adoption, almost universally, of the neoliberalism as the political and economical model with variations depending of the country´s culture and history.

Once the comunism fell off around Europe and the Soviet Union was disrupted we could know more details about the repression and injustice of communist regimens through of testimonies like recent nobel prize Hertha Muller who described the hard conditions of life in the Rumania of communist dictatorship Nicolae Ceaucescu.

Today not even the socialist can refuse to admit that their model is obsolete and many of those who where hard apologists of Marx´s postulates are now succesfull transnationals´s managers or even leaders of centre-left governements with wide open economies and politics.
But there are many of them who didn´t understand or simply didn´t want to deny communism´s postulates. That is the case of the chilean communism.

Today chilean communism doesn´t have representation on the parlament. They were oposition during Pinochet´s regimen and they have been oposition during the concertacion ´s period with a only important participation in the labor unions and in a few of city councils ....

Is it true that the binominal system has determinated the communist´s exclution of the parliament but it`s true too that this political party has not been able of making a serious program for returning to the legislature.

Right now exist a controversial "no exclusion pact" between the concertacion and the communists. The pact, even criticized by conservative spanish past president Aznar, may incorporate the commmunism to the parliament. The question here is if they are able to be there.

The communists in the parliament should dedicate to protect the workers from the unfairness derived from laboral flexibility, they should defend worker´s right to colective negociation and to apropriatte salaries , they must estimulate the creation of pymes and the undertaking by poor population, they should guarantee legal competition between pymes and great companies and they specially must avoid the blind defense of labor unions when they strike with not reasons affecting the developement of the country.

The communists who result elected on december have a serious work to do: to demostrate to the chilean society how able they are to fall down their own Berlin Wall twenty years after the original one.

4 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...
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Unknown dijo...

Excelente cada día escribes mejor... me enorgullece que seas tan integral...

Hernán Fuentes Aguirre dijo...

To Mr. Miguel Toro Montecinos.

Dear Miguel:

I read with a lot of interest your comment about what to expect from the Chilean Communist Party after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and its desire to reach the Chilean Parliament in the upcoming Presidential and Congressional Elections that will take place in December-2009.
I am of the opinion that very little or nothing can we expect from a change in the attitude of the Chilean Communist Party regarding chilean society. The Ch.C.P. has not abandoned its hard ideological line of class struggle, its refusal to accept the free market economic system, as a good model for creating wealth and raising the standards of living of the chilean people. The Ch.C.P. continues steadfastly to promote hate and confrontation in our society between rich and poor, between the workers and the bosses, between the haves and the haves not.
Unfortunately, the chilean communists have not learned the hard lessons of history and they stubbornly insist that marxist-leninist ideology is the way of the future.
I sincerely hope I am mistaken but the evidence points in the opposite direction.

Yours sincerely.

Mr. Hernán Fuentes Aguirre

Montréal, Québec, Canadá.

Miguel Toro Montecinos dijo...

Dear Hernán Fuentes Aguirre:

Thanks for reading my comment.
I`m absolutely agree with your point of view.

Yours sincerely

Miguel Toro Montecinos